

this site is currently not optimized for mobile devices !! Sorry if you're reading this on your phone, I'm sure it looks fucky. In general this is still a HUGE work in progress, more details in the sidebar/below.

Anyway, hey! Welcome to my site. This is essentially a compilation of all of my interests, passions, values, identities, etc that I think define me. I encourage you to take a look around and find out what we have in common, or, discover something new that you like! I created this in order to make better friends-- I hate small talk, and would rather skip to deeper level conversations with people.

I would assume that if you're reading this, I gave you a link to this site and you didn't stumble across it yourself. Although if you did, that's pretty cool and you're still welcome here. Basic introduction, I'm a film major living in Chicago, my pronouns are she/they. I titled this site rainwraith (wraith meaning ghost) because I want to be associated with rainy days-- I want to embody that peace and calm, and I love how thunderstorms are exciting and calming at the same time. There's also nothing better than a nice blanket and good book on a stormy day. (I'll probably talk more about this in vibes) As for the ghost part, I want that to represent some level of anonymity and going unnoticed. Sometimes I wish I was a ghost, just to be able to freely explore the world without having to interact with anyone.

In case I don't get the chance to say this in another page, I care very deeply about issues of justice. It's hard for me to get along with people who don't. I consider myself a leftist, socialist, anti-racist, and feminist. As a lesbian, I'm a little bit of a misandrist too, occassionally, for fun, if necessary...